Saturday, August 22, 2009
Random Observations
It would serve the world a great deal of good if people were to know (or remember) that “utopia” means nowhere.
When someone says that you need to be “more open-minded,” what they typically mean is that you should agree with them.
I have yet to meet anyone uttering the word “greed” who lacked noted degrees of avarice themselves.
Following a radical populist is the ultimate act of conformity.
Societies (like individuals) who have everything tend to get bored. The statist mantra of “change,” regardless of how irrelevant it may be to actual circumstance, is always seductive to those who are simply bored. Be careful of the things you wish for.
It's an old axiom in psychology that neurotics build castles in the sky and psychotics live in them. To this I would add that leftists demand that other people live in them as well.
The ultimate gripe held by most socialists is that they don't want to see private people have private lives.
Leftists basically believe that the Emperor has clothes...and that we should pay for them.